FKIP of UAD Receives Learning Innovation Fund and Assistive Technology for Students with Special Needs
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) received fund for the implementation of differential equation course. The fund was provided by BELMAWA of KEMDIKBUD. The program is carried out by the Mathematics Education Study Program with a title of Innovative Learning Module Based on the RMcT Model for Slow Learners. The grant recipients are Dr. Andriyani, M.Si, Fariz Setyawan, M.Pd., and Muya Barida, M.Pd. The program is held for 3 months (October-December).
Fariz Setyawan, M.Pd. stated that the challenges of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact in education, especially for students with special needs, particularly slow learners. These challenges include how lecturers are forced to be innovative in providing facilitative learning for students to learn independently. In 2019, the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (FKIP of UAD) received Innovation Fund for the Application of Inclusive Education in Higher Education. The outcome of the grant is an innovative learning model called Rigorous Mathematics computational Thinking (RMcT). The RMcT model was developed in 2020.
FKIP received special education funding assistance for universities to develop learning media integrated with RMcT learning model at FKIP of UAD, especially at Mathematics Education Study Program. One of the learning media that can complement the innovation of the RMcT learning model is an innovative learning module based on the RMcT model. The development of the module is the researcher’s effort in perfecting the RMcT model that has been previously developed. The module is increasingly in demand, seeing the need for an innovative learning module based on the RMcT model as a learning tool for lecturers. The module can be accessed synchronously and asynchronously by lecturers, students, and the general public as a form of service to students with special needs, especially for slow learner students. (FS)