FKIP of UAD Participates in the Celebration of the 4th Indonesian Cultural Festival (ICF) 2019 in Azerbaijan
The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) successfully participated in the 4th Indonesian Cultural Festival (ICF) in Azerbaijan which was held from 11 to 15 September 2019. The event was held to carry out an integrated promotion of Indonesia’s economic, tourism and socio-cultural potential to Azerbaijan. In addition, the event aims to boost the number of Azerbaijan tourists to Indonesia. The Rector of UAD, Dr. Kasiyarno, M. Hum., requested FKIP to take part and participate in the event to represent UAD. Together with the Rector of UAD, the team from FKIP successfully participated in the 2019 ICF with Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Sc., (the Dean of FKIP) and Heni Suswantari, S.Pd., M.A. (a lecturer at PGSD of UAD) as the representatives of the faculty. In addition to FKIP of UAD, there were also representatives from the Food Service Business Study Program (BISMA) and the Faculty of Islamic Studies (FAI) of UAD.
The objective of the 2019 ICF is to showcase Indonesian culture by presenting various cultural art performances, including traditional dances, music, martial arts, fashion shows, and others from various regions in Indonesia. The representative of FKIP, Heni Siswantari, successfully performed 2 dances with a great response from the people of Azerbaijan. The dances that she performed were Gambyong dance, a traditional dance from Central Java, and Ngerong dance from Banyumas. Dr. Trikinasih Handayani, M.Sc., expressed her pride of FKIP for being able to participate in the ICF in Azerbaijan, with the team successfully performed two traditional dances from Central Java and Banyumas.
Apart from the cultural performances through dances, the FKIP team also participated in multicultural dialogues and seminars with the Rector of UAD. The implementation of the MoU is in the form of a pilot collaboration between Azerbaijan and UAD, which will be extended to FKIP. The Dean of FKIP conveyed that with the 4th ICF in 2019, the realization of UAD and FKIP’s vision and missions could hopefully be carried out well, reflecting the one sentence always conveyed by the Rector of UAD in each of his remarks, “bring the world to UAD and UAD to the world”. (FS)